It is my firm belief that a majority of students are not spending adequate time meditating, researching and analysing how well a course or career suits them.

Life today for most Leaving Cert students is so full with sport, grinds, study, PS4 and social media and don’t forget the phones, there is no time available to really discuss their futures.

In a large part due to the arrival of social media the world we live puts pressure on students to project an outward show of success and progress.

Students are reluctant to slow down the process and jump off the 3rd level convener belt to the l.T. or Uni that their friends are going to.

They are fearful of being left behind if they take a year out.

But these days a year out for a lot of students would be a great idea and would give them the space away form the silly noise around C.A.O. and the frenzy associated with going to college.